I have been asked several times over the past few months if I would consider one of the aft challenges that many artists on social media do.
I initially wasn’t sure if it was for me, but after speaking with a few customers who have wanted an original painting but have a budget, speaking with those who like my style when it comes to portraits and speaking with people who always ask “Would you ever paint…??”, I thought maybe this is right for me!! As an artist it challenges me (100 portraits is no easy task, nor is painting with detail on such small canvases) but I always enjoy a new opportunity, and it also opens up more opportunities for potential buyers!
So my thinking cap is on, my paintbrushes are in hand, and this week will see the first portrait in this new series released for sale!
All paintings will be approx 8″x8″ and will cost only £95*.
Always wanted to own a unique original piece of art, then now is your chance 🙌🏻
*postage and packaging will be charged at standard rate